Science Expertement

Today the Gr. 1/2s completed a science experiment. We. looked at different liquids and had to estimate if the liquid was opaque or transparent. The Kiddos did an amazing job with their estimations. They are really starting to get the hang of these words. Here are the liquids that they found tricky.

"I found mustard tricky because I couldn't find the message underneath." - KC
"I found that the maple syrup was tricky because it was kind of dark." Gr. 2 student
"I didn't find any of them tricky." SS

We want to challenge the parents to see if they can figure out which liquid is opaque and which liquid is transparent.

- Miss Michael 💚


  • Today was an assembly! Unfortunately it was at the same time as our library so we didn't get any new books. Hopefully we will be able to squeeze in a library time tomorrow. 
  • Thursday is parent teacher conferences. There is still school. 
  • Friday is parent teacher conferences. There is NO SCHOOL!