The Terry Fox Run

Today the Gr. 1/2s participated in the Terry Fox Run with the entire school. I was so impressed to see that the Kiddos were able to run for about 20 mins some of them without stopping! The kiddos used words like persistence and proud to describe how the run went!

"I ran 15 laps!" SS
"I went over 20 laps during the run."RW
"I went over 19 laps." CB

I wonder if you can maybe try doing a family run before it gets cold!

- Miss Michael 💙


  • Today was library - If you did not return your library books you don't get new ones!
  • Homework is due on Friday!
  • Home Reading will be exchanged on Monday
  • Orange Shirt Day is on September 30th - Please wear and orange shirt or your favorite shirt.