Travel Posters

Today we started planning our travel posters for Alberta. We looked at a different video and we also looked at "vintage" posters online. The criteria for our posters was that we needed to include the Alberta flower and the flag. The grade ones and twos had to do research to discover what these things looked like. They then had to include a fun activity to do in Alberta. I wonder if the kiddos can remember what Alberta's flower is called?

Here is what they had to say about what they found.

"I found out that Alberta is known for its mountains." - SD
"Alberta's flower is called Prickly Wild Rose" - SS
"I found out what the flag looks like. It has mountains." - KC

- Miss Michael 💘


  • Homework is due tomorrow!
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Monday October 21
  • Home reading is due on Tuesday 
  • October 24th is fun lunch!