Math Strategies

In Math, we have been learning about strategies that we can use to solve math tasks. We know four strategies that we have gotten really good at! They are, number line, ten frame, tens and ones, and pictures. We also talked about using the math problems efficiently. That means that if the math problem was 56+12 we wouldn't use pictures because it would take a really long time! instead, we might use the tens and ones or number line strategy.

I am going to challenge the grade ones and twos to show and explain to you at least two of these strategies. They are smart cookies so I know that this will be easy for them!

- Miss Michael 💖


  • There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow - have a great weekend!
  • Spirit Day is on November 26th - This month's spirit day is pajama day! You can wear pajamas to school if you want to BUT they must be clean and appropriate! You can also bring a stuffed animal however, the animal must fit in your students' backpack. 
  • Fun Lunch is on November 27th 
  • The grade 3 and 4 assembly is on November 28th 
  • Homework was due today - we are really working hard to make sure that the students are responsible for their own homework. If you have noticed that your child's homework book has been in their backpack for a long time, try having a conversation with them about what it means to be a responsible students that takes care of their work. 
  • Home reading is due on Monday 
  • Library is on Wednesday - Thank you for being so good at bringing these books back!