Metis Week

This week was Metis week! We learned about their culture and some of the things that are important to them. We watched their style of dance and listened to fiddle music. Today we used pointillism to try to create art that resembled their beautiful beadwork. The grade ones and twos used bright colors and practiced persistence when working on their art.

Here is a video that we watched to learn about the history of Metis dance.

- Miss Michael  ðŸ’Ÿ


  • Homework was due today
  • Home reading is due on Monday
  • There is NO SCHOOL on November 22nd
  • Spirit Day is on November 26th - Pajama Day
  • Fun Lunch is on November 27th 
  • The grade 3/4 Assembly is on November 28th 
  • Scientist in the school is on November 18th