Modern homes in Iqaluit

Today the Grade ones and twos looked at modern homes in Iqaluit. They noticed a few things about the houses. That they were colorful, that they had flat roofs, an lastly that they were built on "sticks" when we did some research, we found out that the "sticks" are actually called stilts and they are very important. Because Iqaluit is built on permafrost, it is important that there is no heat between the house and the ground. After we gathered our information, we decided that it was time to build our own Iqaluit houses out of lego. Take a look at the criteria as well as them in the process of building their Iqaluit homes.

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Homework is due tomorrow!
  • home reading is due on Monday 
  • Dance residency starts on the 4th so the permission forms need to be handed in!
  • Pizza order forms are due on December 10th 
  • The Family Dance is on December 12th 
  • The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th 
  • The Pizza lunch is on December 19th 
  • Parent Teacher conferences are on December 19th and 20th 
  • The last day of classes is on December 19th