One inch tall!

Could you imagine only being one inch tall? That's what the grade ones and twos did today! We read the poem "One Inch Tall" by Shel Silverstein and practiced visualizing to help us understand the text. Then we took apart the poem line by line and drew what we visualized. The results were fantastic! Here is one of the visualizations that made Miss Michael laugh! I hope that you enjoy it as well!

- Miss Michael 💜


  • Tomorrow is the grade 3/4 assembly at 10:15 
  • Home work is due on Friday
  • Home reading is due on Monday
  • Pizza forms are due on December 10th
  • Please return dance forms
  • The pizza lunch is on December 19th 
  • The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th
  • The Family dance is on December 12th at 6:00pm