Traditional Inuit Culture

Today the grade ones and twos read a short paragraph about the Traditional Inuit Culture. We learned some new information about how the Inuit people lived in the past.

"Whale blubber was used to keep warm" - IC
"I learned that they built igloos to live in, in the Winter" - RW
"They used sod for making houses in the Winter" - SS
"Whale blubber is actually fat." - KC

We also watched a video that explained how igloos are actually very warm to live in! Take a look at the video to see for yourself!

Ask your child if they can remember why the Inuit people always had to build their houses instead of living in the same place all year round?  

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Tomorrow is fun lunch!
  • Library is tomorrow! - Please return your books!
  • Thursday is the Grade 3s and 4s assembly at 10:15
  • Home work is due on Friday
  • Home reading is due on Monday
  • The pizza forms are due on December 10th 
  • Please return the dance form. If the form is not returned, your child will no be able to participate during the dance residency.