
As you know, we have been practicing the reading strategy, visualization. The grade ones and twos are learning to visualize when they are listening to a story or text. Today, they listened to a poem that describes Sam, the green giant. It was very descriptive so their image that they drew was very detailed. I can't wait for you to see them! I wonder if there are different ways that you can practice visualization at home? Maybe, you could share some visualization strategies with your grade one or two!

- Miss Michael 🖤


  • Tomorrow is class picture day and retake day. If you want retakes, you MUST return the form or give me a hand written a note requesting retakes. This will be the last time that photographers are at our school. 
  • If you have Thorncliffe School clothing forms, they are due tomorrow. 
  • Our Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday November 8th at 10:45
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Monday November 11th
  • Scientists in the Classroom is on November 18th. We now have two volunteers but we need one more! If you have your police clearance and are available please contact me. 
  • Spirit Day is Pajama Day - November 26th
  • Fun Lunch is on November 27th. You can order on healthy hunger's website.