Water Water Water

In science we have been learning about liquids! We learned that a liquid is anything that flows.Yesterday, we learned that there are three different states of water. Gas, solid, and liquid. Today, we talked about water. We had a group discussion about everything we know about water. Here are some of the things that we shared!

"Some water you can NOT drink." - KC
"It takes the shape of anything that it goes into." - SD
"When snow melts it turns into water." YE
"There's objects [molecules] in water." KL
"Water falls from the sky [rain[" - KA

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Homework is due tomorrow!
  • Home reading is due on Monday!
  • Library is on Wednesday
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Friday November 22nd
  • Spirit day is on November 26th - It is pajama day
  • Fun Lunch is on November 27th 
  • The Grade 3/4 assembly is on November 28th