Balanced Equations

Today the grade ones and two practiced balancing equations. They learned that the equal sign means that an equation is balanced or the same on each side. For example, they know that 5+5 is the same as 10 so 5+5=10.

Here are some examples of the equations that they balanced. Maybe they can show you their understanding of balancing an equation.

3+4 = 14 - ___

6 + 6 = 5 + ___

19 - 8 = 6 + ___

Have fun doing math!

- Miss Michael 🎄


  • Today was the last day for Library exchange until the new year!
  • Tomorrow is the Family Dance/bake sale - 6:00 - 7:00 
  • Homework is due on Friday - They will not be receiving homework next week. 
  • Home reading is due on Monday
  • The Grade 1 /2 assembly is on Tuesday December 17th at 10:15 
  • Parent Teacher conferences are on December 19th and 20th - you can book these on Thursday and Friday
  • The last day of classes is on December 19th - Students will return on January 6th 
  • Pizza Lunch is on December 19th 
  • Please return your alien inline skating forms - if you do not return them your child will not be able to participate in this great experience!