Can you catch the gingerbread man?

Today the students listened to the story "The Gingerbread Man" and were given a challenge. They had to create a trap that would catch the gingerbread man. They only had 42 minutes to design and build their trap! Their trap had to have something on it that moved, it had to catch a gingerbread man, and it had to be portable. They did a great job referring back to the criteria to make sure their traps were on track.

Take a look at their traps half way through the building process! They should all be finished up by tomorrow!

- Miss Michael  ♡


  • Tonight is the Family Dance! - See you at 6:00pm!
  • Homework is due tomorrow!
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - You should be able to book for the 19th today and the 20th tomorrow.
  • There will be no book exchange on Wednesday but you can still return your library books. 
  • The las day of classes is on December 19th 
  • Pizza lunch is on December 19th 
  • The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th 
  • Classes resume on January 6th