Dance Dance Dance

Today was the end of our first week with Amy, our dance instructor! She has already taught us some incredible dance moves and dances that we will be able to share at the Family Dance! Here is what the Kiddos have to say about dance so far!

"We did the 'chicken noodle soup' dance" - YE
"We learned the snake dance." - ZC
"I learned the party/chicken dance." - SS
"We did the basketball move and the criss cross" - LA
"We did the cabbage patch." - GH

I hope that the grade ones and twos can share their moves with you!

- Miss Michael 💟


  • Homework is due tomorrow
  • Home reading is due on Monday
  • Pizza forms are due on December 10th
  • December 10th is spirit day. It is twin/triplet/quadruplet day. You can dress us as someone else in the class or even a family member. Please don't buy anything new and use things from home!
  • December 12th is the family dance / bake sale. Your child's ticket in is being with someone who is 18 or older. 
  • December 17th is the Grade 1/2 assembly. 10:15 - 10:45 
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - you will be able to book one week in advance. 
  • Pizza lunch is on December 19th 
  • The last day of classes is on December 19th. Students will return to school on January 6th