Dog Sleds

We learned that one of the ways that the Inuit people would travel is by dog sled. I shared with the students my experience of going dog sledding and taught them the commands that I used to tell the dogs what do to! I wonder if the Kiddos can remember what we say to make the dogs stop? We also watched a few videos of people dog sledding and that inspired us to create out own dog sleds out of popsicle sticks. The students worked really hard on trying to add as much detail as possible. Here is what they have so far!

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Tomorrow is Library
  • Pizza forms are due on December 10th 
  • Spirit Day is December 10th it is Twin, Triplet, Quadruplet …. Day - find one or more people who can wear one or two items the same as you. Please do not go shopping, find items in your home
  • The Family Dance is December 13th from 6:00 - 7:00 There will also be a bake sale
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th. You will be able to book one week before!
  • The last day of classes is on December 19th
  • Pizza lunch is on December 19th