Inuit Throat Singing

Today we read about Toonik Tyme. We learned that Toonik Tyme is a festival that consists of throat singing, Inuit games, a feast, and dancing. The grade 1s and 2s had not heard throat singing before! We watched a video where we could hear some Inuit throat singing and learn about it. We learned . . .

"Its a game between two girls" - LA & SS
"It sounds kind of funny." - RW
"It sounds like singing" - ZC
"They wear Inuit clothes and they had drums" - SS
"They use their throat for throat singing. They don't sing normal." - RW

Take a listen for yourself!

- Miss Michael ♡🎄


  • Tomorrow is Pizza Lunch! 
  • Please book your conference with me! They will be held on December 19th and 20th 
  • Tomorrow is the last day before winter break! - Classes resume on January 6th