The Price of food in Iqaluit

This afternoon we looked at a video that showed us how much food costs in Iqaluit. We made a chart comparing food prices in Iqaluit and food prices in Calgary. Take a look and see what you notice?

We noticed . . .

"That dog food is $125! I wouldn't own a dog if I lived in Iqaluit." - SD
"Yogurt is more expensive in Iqaluit."  LA
"The frozen pizza is really expensive." GH

We discovered that the food is so expensive because they have to fly the food or ship the food to Iqaluit. This costs lots of money! We read an article that said for a family of 4, one meal would cost $100.  This is not good because people in Iqaluit don't make that much money. 

The kiddos realized how much money it would cost for them to live in Iqaluit!

- Miss Michael ♡


  • The family dance is on Thursday December 12th at 6:00 - there will also be a bake sale. 
  • Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - you will be able to book a conference this Thursday or Friday
  • The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th at 10:15 
  • The fun lunch is the free pizza lunch that is being offered by parent council this is on December 19th 
  • The last day of classes is on December 19th - Students will return on January 6th 
  • Students went home with a consent form for inline skating in the new year. This form MUST be returned for your student to participate