Inuit Art

Today we did a close reading about the art that is done in Nunavut. We learned that the art is a combination of traditional and modern types of art. We watched a video about a women that creates jewelry in Iqaluit. She made the jewelry from natural items that she finds in Iqaluit. These items include rocks, feathers, bone, metal, and we even saw earrings that were made out of a bird's feet. The kids thought that it was a little strange and a little cool. Please take a look at these incredible items of jewelry in this video!

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Homework went home today! - Please return it on Friday
  • Home reading is due tomorrow!
  • Library is on Wednesday - Please return your books. 
  • Fun Lunch is on Thursday!
  • Spirit Day is on January 29th - It is Fancy Day! - We will be dressing up fancy and using our best manners all day! - Please remember that you do not have to buy anything! Please find your items at home!
  • Our field trip is on January 30th - We have 3 volunteers now! How exciting! If you would like to volunteer, please email me ASAP!