Measurement Monsters

Today we practiced measuring by creating measurement monsters! The kiddos had to decide the height and width of their monster as well as how long their legs were and how wide their feet, eyes, and mouth are. Then they had to create their monster based off of their measurements. The monsters turned out super cute and the kiddos learned the meaning of the words height, length, and width and practiced using these words in sentences.

Take a look at one of our monsters!

- Miss Michael


  1. Fancy Day is on January 29th 
  2. Report Cards will go home on January 29th - please do your best to return the envelopes! We will reuse them for the report cards in June!
  3. Our field trip is on January 30th!
  4. There is NO SCHOOL on January 31st!
  5. Home reading is due on Tuesday!
  6. Home work went home today!