Pippi Longstocking

We have now read three chapters of the novel "Pippi Longstocking". The students are really enjoying how interesting the story is so far!

Since starting this story, we have discovered many different character traits that Pippi Longstocking has. Here are some things that the students have noticed!

"She's very strong and she can pick up two policemen! She has no one to tell her when to go to bed." - HB
"She's kind and she stands up for other people." -LC
"She's funny. She is nice." - ZC
"She has orange hair flicking up! She has a very colorful house. She is a very good cook." - SS
"She lies a lot. She doesn't have a mom and dad." SM
"She's very crazy." - KL
"She has a horse." - YE
"She sleeps upside-down!" - RW
"She has long shoes and a monkey. She is silly." - LA
"She's weird." - CR
"Her hair is as orange as a carrot." - IC

We are so excited to read the next chapters and keep you updated on all of the exciting things that Pippi does! The students wanted to share so many things that I had to stop them! If I would've let them keep going I would still be typing!!

I hope that you enjoy hearing about Pippi at home!

- Miss Michael 😻


  • Please return field trip forms! - We still only have two volunteers! I would like to get at least two more!
  • Home work is due tomorrow!
  • Fun Lunch is on January 23rd 
  • Our field trip is on January 30th 
  • Home reading is due on Tuesday!