STEAM Challenge

Yesterday the grade ones and twos completed a STEAM challenge. They were asked to create a column or columns that will support the most books. They were split up into four different teams that had to work together to complete this challenge. At the end of challenge, each column was tested and every single one was successful. One team managed to create a column that held up 9 books! At the end of the challenge, the students were asked to complete a self-assessment. They were looking at how well they worked in a group, whether or not they shared and listened to each other's ideas, and if they showed respect for each other. These assessments will be going home for you to see how your child's character building is going in the classroom. I will be looking at these self-assessments before they head home! Take a look at the incredible team work that was going on in room 7!

- Miss Michael 💜


  • Homework is due on Friday!
  • Library is tomorrow- please return your books!
  • Field Trip forms went home yesterday. Please return them ASAP!
  • If you would like to volunteer for the field trip please email me and I will send home a volunteer form. We only have 1 volunteer so far!!!!!
  • Fun Lunch is on Jan 23rd 
  • Our Field Trip is on Jan 30th