Valentines and Gymnastics

So many new things were happening today that the grade ones and twos couldn't decide what to write about so we will be writing about two things!

This morning, we wrote valentines for the Vets. The kiddos learned that a vet is another name for a veteran. A veteran is "someone who fought in the war but doesn't fight anymore." - LC & SD. We decided that a nice thing to do for these veterans was to send them valentines cards to speak kindness and generosity to someone else.

In P.E., we started a new unit! Gymnastics! The kiddos were so excited to walk into the Gym and see all of the different centers! We learned the importance of landing on bent knees after we jump. We call this a motorcycle landing. Our goal is for all of the students to "stick" their landing for 3 seconds. Have your kiddo show you their motorcycle landing and see if they can make their landing stick!

- Miss Michael 💜


  • Tomorrow is Fancy Day! - You can dress up fancy! Remember that you do not buy anything for spirit days, you just look for things in your own home. 
  • Tomorrow is library. Remember that most of us forgot our books last week! Please return the books that you have! 
  • Report Cards go home tomorrow!  Please return your envelopes so that they can be reused in June!
  • Our Field Trip is on January 30th! - Please remember to pack a lunch in a lunch bag! 
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Friday January 31st!