Lacrosse Skills

On Monday we had a lacrosse coach come and teach us some basic lacrosse skills. He came back today and we worked on our skills some more! Some cool tricks that we learned were flip the pancake, draw a circle, throw and catch, throw and catch on the reverse side, and scoop up the ball. We had so much fun playing the different games and learning different skills. We even got free tickets  to a lacrosse game! I was very impressed with how the grade ones and twos played and how much they improved in two days! Ask your kiddo about their favorite part of lacrosse.

- Miss Michael  ðŸ’™


  1. Please return math that went home on Monday
  2. Trickster forms went home today. Please specify how many tickets you will need for the show. If your child is unable to attend the show in the evening, please email me and let me know. These forms need to be returned ASAP! The show is on Thursday March 5th. We are show B - 7:15 - 8:00