Lighthouses part two

Today we did a close reading about lighthouses. We learned that . ..

"If there is a storm you can't see the light and you can't see the land where you need to go. So instead they use a foghorn so they can't crash into something." - SS

"In the past people lived in lighthouses. They were called lighthouse keepers." - RW & SS

"Lighthouses stop boats from crashing." - CR

"Lighthouses help boats by being a navigational aid." - SD

"The main feature of a lighthouse is a light." - VH

Here is a video of a foghorn that is part of a lighthouse. Take a listen. What do you think people used during bad weather in the past?

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Tomorrow is home reading!
  • Library is on Wednesday
  • If you choose to hand out Valentines day cards, we will be doing this on Wednesday!
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Friday or Monday!
  • February 18th is 100 days of school! The grades ones and twos are going to dress up like they are 100 years old!
  • Fun Lunch is on February 26th
  • Spirit Day is on February 26th - It is Pink Shirt Day!