Liquid Tower

Today the grade ones and twos did an experiment on different types of liquids. We created a liquid tower using honey, dish soap, water, and olive oil. When we finished pouring the different liquids into a cup, this is what it looked like . . . .

Here is what the kiddos discovered!

"The dice and paperclip went all the way to the bottom and the liquids didn't mix together" - SS
"The Honey stayed at the bottom because it was the heaviest." - LC
"The olive oil went to the top because it was the lightest." - IC
"The bottle cap floated on the water." - SD
"All of the liquids are a different weight." - VH
"The honey holding the dice and the paperclip." SM

There was so much that the kiddos learned! Please make sure to ask them about it at home!

- Miss Michael ♡


  • The 12th is the last day of school before Valentines Day. Please read the notice regarding this!
  • The 100th day of school is on February 18th - The grade ones and twos are going to dress up like they are 100 years old! 
  • Fun Lunch is on the 26th 
  • Spirit Day is on the 26th - It is Pink Shirt Day!
  • Picture Day is on Wednesday 
  • Home reading is due on Tuesday 
  • Please return report card envelopes!