Planning A Farm

For the past two days the grade ones and twos have been working on designing and creating a farm. They had to understand what perimeter is so that they could create different pens for their farm animals. For example, if they wanted to have chickens on their farm, they had to know that for every chicken there needed to be two pieces of fence. So if they wanted 3 chickens, than the perimeter of their fence needed to be six popsicle sticks around. Take a look at their farms to get an idea of just how hard they have been working!

- Miss Michael ♡


  • Homework is due tomorrow! 
  • Home reading is due on Tuesday
  • There will be NO HOMEWORK sent home next week because the week is so short!
  • There is NO SCHOOL on February 13th, 14th, and 17th
  • If you are choosing to make valentines for the class, those will be handed out on February 12th