Today the grade ones and two tried their hand at snowshoeing. I think that they realized that snowshoeing is way harder than it looks. I was so proud of the kiddos because they were such good sports! I heard tons of laughter even when some students got frustrated. I think that the hardest part for me was putting these shoes on! I think our grade ones and twos have gone through a growth spurt because these shoes barely fit! Here is what the kiddos had to say.

"It was so fun!" - YE
"It was so fun having a race with GH." - LC
"I wonder if you can go down mountains with them?" - WCB
"It was so hard but we kept trying." AI
"I really enjoyed it and I didn't have a chance to go far because the shoes kept falling!" SS
"It was so amazing I really had fun!" ZC
"I had so much fun trying it!" LA
"I didn't really get to go far but it was still kinda fun." HB
"My shoe fell off so many times and I only got a couple steps around the playground but I still had lots and lots of fun." - RW
"It was a little hard to walk in the snow." CR
"I really liked walking in the snowshoes." KL
"It was so fun." KA
"I really liked it and I kept on trying and it was super fun when I got it." IC
"It was awesome." AA

The kiddos had so much for to say! Please ask your student whether or not they would do it again!

- Miss Michael 💓


  • Homework it due tomorrow!
  • Spirit Day is on the 26th - It is Pink Shirt Day
  • Fun Lunch is on the 26th