Cuisenaire Rods

Today we discovered a new math manipulative. CUISENAIRE RODS! They are really cool because you can use them for measurement, making ten, twenty, and probably even thirty! You can also use them to help you solve math problems as well as create patterns.

Today we simply explored with them and the kiddos discovered lots of interesting things about them! We will be using cuisenaire rods a lot in the next few weeks. Keep your eyes open for more pictures about the tasks that we are doing in the classroom.

Take a look at these awesome pictures of the students' discoveries!

- Miss Michael 🐔

  • Parent - Teacher conferences are on March 19th and 20th -If you are unable to book an appointment online or are unable to make the allotted times, please email me ASAP!
  • Fun Lunch is on March 17th
  • Jersey Day is on March 18th 
  • Please return math problem that went home!
  • Spring Break! - The last day of classes is on March 19th. Classes will resume on March 30th. 
  • Home reading is due on Tuesday
  • Homework is due on Friday - There will be NO HOMEWORK on Monday because of Spring Break.