
For the past 4 days the grade ones and twos have been working hard on creating their play for tonights performance. I was thankful that we have been working on story writing because they were able to write a great story with our Tricksters, Chris and Ryan. We created different movements and shapes with our props and when we did it during the tech rehearsal this morning, everything looked so AMAZING!

I hope that everyone comes to tonights performance because you will REALLY enjoy the show!

Here are some reminders for tonight!

If you have a child in Show A, the show is from 6:00 - 6:45
If you have a child in Show B, the show is from 7:15 - 8:00

Once students are in their classrooms they will NOT be able to leave to go to the bathroom or get a drink during the performance. Please make sure that their needs are met BEFORE bringing them to their class.

There is a 30 min break between shows to allow for seating of the second show. This would be a time to also take your children to the washroom.

You NEED your tickets to get into the show. Please bring them with you!

PLEASE! have a conversation with your child about what is appropriate behavior when they are waiting for their part in the show. There will be. NO playing with items in the classroom. NO running around the school/classroom. NO making a mess of the classroom. Please talk about respect!

- Miss Michael 💙