Skeletal and Respiratory System

Today some of the grade threes joined us for health. We started to learn about the different systems of the body. We learned about the skeletal and respiratory systems. The skeletal system is all about the bones and the respiratory system is all about how we breathe.

Here is what the grade ones and twos have to say about what they learned.

"Your spine holds your body up." - SD
"You can breathe 20,000 times in one day." - VH
"The spine is flexible if you do a back bend." - SS
"The cilia takes the germs from your body." - SM
"If you didn't have your spine you'd be a blob." - CR
"Infants have more bones than adults." - YE

We will learn about some more systems in the next two weeks!

- Miss Michael 😻


  • Parent - Teacher conferences are on March 19th and 20h you are able to book now!
  • Fun Lunch is on March 17th - If you would like to order you must go online to healthy hunger. 
  • Jersey Day is on March 18th - Remember that all spirit days are optional
  • Book. Fair will be held during parent teacher conferences. Please DO NOT bring any money to school. Wait until you are able to visit the fair during conferences with your child. 
  • The last day of classes before Spring Break is March 19th. Students will return on March 30th