Trickster Artist in Residence - Evening Performance Thursday March 5th

The ticket order form for the evening performances on Thursday, March 5 needed to be returned to the school today. If you forgot, send the order form in asap; we need to draw for extra tickets.
Today, your child will be bringing home the tickets you requested. Please check their backpacks.

Keep your tickets in a safe place (a magnet on the fridge?). You NEED to present the tickets at the door to get into the show!

If you have any questions call the school at 403-777-6670.

Today we got to meet our Trickster! He was so cool and the kiddos thought that he was so funny! He taught us some really interesting formations and movements that I know you will see during the performance! 

Here is what we thought about our Trickster Residency so far!

"I like when we took the pillows and ran away!" - KL
"I really really really really liked the part when we took the pillows and leaned against each other." - HB
"I liked when we pull our pillows on someones back." - YE/SO
"I really had fun when I was doing the snake move and also I really really enjoyed when we did the fox and rabbit." - ZC
"I had fun when we were sleeping on the ground and then the lizard came!" - SM

I know that your kiddo will come home and tell you so much more! I am so looking forward to the show!

- Miss Michael ❥


  • Your ticket form was due today!
  • The performance is on Thursday March 5th. We are in show B so our show is for 7:15 - 8:00pm. If you are unable to come to the evening show there will be a show during the day on Friday from 10:00 - 11:15 
  • Parent Teacher conferences are on March 19th and 20th 
  • Spring Break is on March 23rd and classes resume on March 30th