
Showing posts from September, 2019

Can you solve these problems?

In Math today we went on a website called Solve Me. There are so many clues that we had to solve in order to find the correct number! We worked our brains so hard to try to solve these problems! Here is the link so that you can try to solve these clues at home! Solve Me - Miss Michael 💛 Reminders Homework went home today! - Please remember to return it by Friday Home Reading went home today - It is due on Monday Library is Wednesday - Please return your books! Fun Lunch is on October 26th - You must place your order online by October 19th Picture Day is on October 17th - please wear your best smile. 

Fun Lunch!

The grade 1/2 classes will be able to participate in the school's Fun Lunches which happen once a month. For October, the Fun Lunch will be held on Thursday the 24th. In order to order a Fun Lunch for your child, you'll need to register online at  and from there you'll be able to order for the rest of the month! The Fun Lunch Coordinator is always looking for volunteers so if you have your police clearance and you are able to help out, I'm sure she will greatly appreciate that. All orders for October will need to be in by the 19th.


Because Orange Shirt Day is on Monday we decided to read a book called She-shi-eitko. This book is about a little girl who was getting ready to leave her family and her home to go to residential school. We talked about what this girl must be feeling and how hard it would be to leave your family. If you would like to read this story with your child, here is the youtube link. - Miss Michael 💙 Reminders Monday is Orange Shirt Day! Please come to school wearing an orange shirt or your favorite shirt if you don't have one. Monday your student will get new home reading. Please return their home reading Monday students will receive new homework Library is on Wednesday!

Fall Senses

Today we created a mind map of what we see, smell, hear, taste, and touch in the Fall. The Gr. 1/2s came up with some really creative stuff! Take a look! "I hear leaves." YE "I can hear rain." KL "I can see the trees" CR - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Homework is due tomorrow!!! Return Rocks and Rings form!!!

The Terry Fox Run

Today the Gr. 1/2s participated in the Terry Fox Run with the entire school. I was so impressed to see that the Kiddos were able to run for about 20 mins some of them without stopping! The kiddos used words like persistence and proud to describe how the run went! "I ran 15 laps!" SS "I went over 20 laps during the run."RW "I went over 19 laps." CB I wonder if you can maybe try doing a family run before it gets cold! - Miss Michael 💙 Reminders Today was library - If you did not return your library books you don't get new ones! Homework is due on Friday! Home Reading will be exchanged on Monday Orange Shirt Day is on September 30th - Please wear and orange shirt or your favorite shirt. 

Basketball Skills

In Physical Education we have been working one our basketball skills. We have been shooting, dribbling while walking, and dribbling on the spot. I was so excited to see hat some of the Kiddos even made baskets on the high challenge net. We have also been playing red light green light with the basketballs to practice staying in control. Here is what the Gr. 1/2's have to say! "I was trying to dribble in one spot." KC "I shot the basketball and got it in on the second try." SS "I know how to dribble and do basketball at the same time." ZC - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is Library. Please return your books.  The Terry Fox Run has been moved to tomorrow! Please be ready by dressing for the weather and wearing appropriate footwear.  Homework is due on Friday Please return Rocks and Rings form. If you don't return it your child will not be able to participate.  Home reading is due on Monday.   Orange shirt day is on September 30

Terry Fox

Today we watched a video about Terry Fox and decided that he was a hero. We then talked about what a hero is. We decided that a hero is strong, kind, calm, brave, and they can help people. I wonder if some of our Gr. 1/2 students can also be heroes? - Miss Michael 💝 Reminders Home Reading went home today. Books and assignments are due back on Monday Homework went home today. Homework is due on Fridays Library is on Wednesday Permission forms went home today for students to participate in Rocks and Rings program in Gym. Forms must be returned for students to participate.  Thursday September 26th is the Terry Fox run. Our school does not raise money but you can do so privately.  Orange Shirt Day is on September 30th - Please wear an orange shirt if you have one! Fun Lunch is in October. More info to come. 

Falling Leaves

When you come for you conference today or tomorrow keep an eye out for the falling leaves that the Kiddos have made. When we asked the question "Why do leaves change color?" we discovered that leaves are green because of Chlorophyl and that their red, yellow, purple, and orange color are actually their pigment! We tried really hard to recreate the different leaf colors. Can't wait to see you at conferences! - Miss Michael 💖 Reminders Library books went home today! They are due next Wednesday! Parent Teacher Conferences are today and tomorrow! You can still sign up! There is no school tomorrow! Have a great weekend!

Science Expertement

Today the Gr. 1/2s completed a science experiment. We. looked at different liquids and had to estimate if the liquid was opaque or transparent. The Kiddos did an amazing job with their estimations. They are really starting to get the hang of these words. Here are the liquids that they found tricky. "I found mustard tricky because I couldn't find the message underneath." - KC "I found that the maple syrup was tricky because it was kind of dark." Gr. 2 student "I didn't find any of them tricky." SS We want to challenge the parents to see if they can figure out which liquid is opaque and which liquid is transparent. - Miss Michael 💚 Reminders Today was an assembly! Unfortunately it was at the same time as our library so we didn't get any new books. Hopefully we will be able to squeeze in a library time tomorrow.  Thursday is parent teacher conferences. There is still school.  Friday is parent teacher conferences. The


Today we organized colors from lightest to darkest. The Kiddos were able to organize different colors by their different shades. I then challenged them to mix a color by using black or white to make it light or darker. I will say that the Gr. 1/2s were very successful! - Miss Michael 😻 Reminders Tomorrow is Library! - Please return your books! Parent Teacher conferences are on Thursday and Friday - Please look at the previous post for instructions on how to book them. Remember, I am hoping for 100% attendance! There is NO SCHOOL this Friday!

Transparent and Opaque

Today we learned about the difference between transparent and opaque. We learned that transparent means that you can see though something and opaque means that you can't see through something. I am wondering if the Kiddos can brainstorm any ways that they can turn paint that is opaque into paint that is transparent. - Miss Michael 💛 Reminders Wednesday is Library. Please return your books! There is school on Thursday September 19th but NO SCHOOL on Friday September 20th Please remember to book a conference to meet with me either on  Thurs, Sept 19    4:30 - 7:45 pm or  Fri, Sept 20 8:00 am – 12:45 pm Here are the steps to book a conference Click on the link:   to access  MyCBE / PowerSchool                Or go to our school website at:                  At the bottom of the page you will see a link for MyCBE / PowerSchool icon Log in with your user name & password

Mixing Colors

Today the Gr. 1/2s tried mixing secondary colors. Ms. Michael was so impressed because everyone was successful in creating their secondary color by mixing paint! Take a look at their creations! We will be turning these into feathers that will be displayed in the hallway! - Miss Michael 💝 Reminders You are now able to sign up for parent teacher conferences - You can do this online! If you can't make one of the scheduled times please email me to schedule another meeting Library books are due on Wednesday! Have a great weekend!

Warm and Cool Colors

Today we finished our warm and cool color wall. We learned that half of the color wheel is made up of cool colors and the other half of he color wheel is made up of warm colors. We learned that warm colors can remind us of fire, anger, the sun, and lava. Cool colors remind us of the water, the sky, rain, and a splash in a pool. Here is what the Gr. 1/2s had to say! "Red is a warm color." - AA "Cool colors remind me of Summer." KC "Warm colors can help you think about the Sun." IC - Miss Michael 💙 Reminders Tomorrow is early dismissal! - Please still pack a lunch! Our Gr. 1/2s are having trouble remembering to go to the washroom BEFORE school. Please remind them to go so that they are not missing out on their learning.  Library is on Wednesday! - Please return your books. Parent - Teacher Conferences are on Sept 19th - 20th - We are working towards 100% attendance! If your child doesn't have indoor shoes please get them ASAP!  


This week the Kiddos started to read the book "Frindle". We found out that the main character, Nick, was pretty silly! He turned his classroom into a beach and made "Peeping" sounds at his teacher all year long. Here are some of the Kiddos' favorite parts! "My favorite part was when he put the sand everywhere and when he made the peeping noise." RW Miss Michael 💞 Reminders Today was library, please remember to return Library books on Wednesday of next week! Please return blue forms if you have not already!

Why do leaves change colour?

Today the Kiddos became scientist and did an experiment to answer the question why do leaves change colour! We took leaves and tried to take the chemical, Chlorophyl, out of the leaves to see their true pigment. Here are some of the things that we learned! "We wrote why we thought leaves changed colour. I thought it was because it was cold" - SS "Today I learned why leaves fall from trees." - ZC "The weather gets colder and the leaves change colour because they're getting less sun." IC "The leaves use water for energy!" - Miss Michael 💖 Reminders Please return blue forms if you have not already! Tomorrow is Library - Students will get two books and MUST return them back to the school! Friday is early dismissal!

Primary and Secondary Colours

Today we talked about primary and secondary colours. We learned that primary colours make secondary colours. The secondary colours are orange, green, purple. I wonder if you can ask your Kiddo which primary colours they mix together to make each secondary colour? - Miss Michael 😻 Reminders Please return the blue consent of release form!  If you don't return it that will mean that consent is not given.  As it is getting cooler please remember to dress for the weather! Friday is early dismissal! This means that your child will be in school from 9:15 - 1:25

Sharing Kindness

Today we watched a video that shows how kindness can be spread around the world. Some of the things that we saw in the video was giving food to those who don't have it or returning something that someone has dropped. Here are some other acts of kindness that the Kiddos thought of. "Sharing and apple." VH "Sharing my toys at my house." KC "Playing with someone that isn't playing with anyone." K I wonder if you watch this video again with your Kiddo if you both can brainstorm different acts of kindness? - Miss Michael 💘 Reminders  Tomorrow is early dismissal. You sill need to pack a lunch! Students will be in school from 9:15 - 1:25.  Library will be on Wednesday Parent Teacher Conferences are on September 19th and 20th you will be able to book online a week in advanced. We are hoping for 100% attendance! If you need me to book or you can't make any of the available times, please email me! 

I Am . . .

Today we read the book "I Am Yoga". We talked about how it feels to be strong and what is feels like to be proud. The Kiddos came up with different I am statements that made them feel good. Here are some of them! "I am smart." - WCB "I am happy." - SO "I am beautiful." - ZC I wonder if you can come up with more "I am" statements at home! - Miss Michael 💓 Reminders Forms went home today! Please read them over and return the appropriate form! Friday is early dismissal! 9:15 - 1:25

The First Day of School

Today was the kiddos' first day of school! We shared our feelings about how we felt on the first day! Some of us felt nervous, sad, excited and happy! We also started our "About Me" page where started to write about ourselves! "I wrote about what food and toys that I liked" - SS "I wrote about when my mom and me went walking to school." - ZC "I do have some pets. All cats and dogs!" - OC "My feelings were excited and nervous on the first day of school." RW - Miss Michael  💛 Reminders Tomorrow is the Gr. 1/2's library orientation  Friday is early dismissal - 9:15 - 1:25