
Showing posts from October, 2019

Halloween At School

Today the grade 1s and 2s did and learned so much! We read "The 13 Ghosts of Halloween" and created our own version in our visual journals. We were so creative and came up with phrases like "12 witches scaring" -  LA and "11 pumpkins rolling" - SS. We also practiced visualization by listening to a poem and drawing what we visualized when we heard it. Again, the grade 1s and 2s showed their creativity and their ability to comprehend poems. Have a happy and safe Halloween! - Miss Michael 💚 Reminders There is NO SCHOOL on Friday November 1st Home reading is due on Monday November 7th is picture retakes and class picture day.   

STEM Challenge - Pumpkin Stage

Today's STEM challenge was to build a stage for our classroom pumpkin. The criteria was to that it had to be 3 cubes tall, Ms. Michael's whiteboard eraser had to fit underneath, and it had to support our pumpkin! I was so impressed to see that most of the grade ones and twos were able to create stages that could hold our pumpkin. They even used language like "my stage needs to be wider." "My stage won't support the pumpkin." "What changes do I need to make to make my stage work?" It was very impressive! Take a look! - Miss Michael 💝 Reminders Homework is due on Thursday OOPS! - Miss Michael forgot to do home reading! It will go home on Tuesday! The Grade 5/6 assembly is tomorrow from 10:15 - 10:45 The spirit day is Halloween! - No Masks or weapons! Nothing can get in the way of learning! There is NO SCHOOL on November 1st - it is a PD day!

Mapping The Playground

Today the kiddos were challenged to map the playground. They were able to look at the playground from a bird's eye view. They then got to go outside and sketch the playground. They had include some landmarks like the swirly slide and the twin slides. We learned that the swirly slide is in the South, and the twin slides are in the North. I wonder if you can see these landmarks on this image of the playground? - Miss Michael Reminders Tomorrow homework is due Home reading is due on Monday Spirit Day is Halloween - No masks or weapons You can not bring any treats to share!  There is a Grade 5/6 assembly on Tuesday at 10:15 There is NO SCHOOL on November 1st 

Fact Families

Today we reviewed fact families. If your kiddo completed their homework you would have seen fact families before! We learned that if you reverse two numbers in an addition problem the answer will be the same. BUT if you reverse the numbers in a subtraction question the answer will be different. For example, 5+2=7 and 2+5=7 BUT 7-5=2 and 5-7= -2. This is not part of the fact family 7, 5, 2. The correct version would be 7 - 2 = 5. Let's see if your kiddo can make 4 equations for this fact family. 9, 6, 3! - Miss Michael 🖤 Reminders Tomorrow is Fun Lunch! - Don't bring a lunch if you ordered. If you did NOT order, remember to bring a lunch! Friday, homework is due Monday, home reading is due Please sign and return the fact fluency test that went home today.  We had LOTS of students forget their library books. Library is on every Wednesday. Please return your books.  Halloween is spirit day! - You can wear your costume but you can't wear masks or bring weapons

STEM Challenge

Today, the kiddos participated in their first STEM challenge. They had to first design and then create an animal using the linking blocks. The one rule that they had to follow was that their animal had to be made up of an even number of blocks. They found out that even numbers end in 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0. Some plans had as many as 58 blocks! Take a look at some of their creations! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is Library! Thursday is Fun Lunch! Spirit Day is Halloween - Oct 31st - You can wear your costume - No Weapons or masks. 

Alberta Continued

Today we continued our work on creating out posters. Together as a class we created criteria so that we can assess our posters. The grade ones and twos will use this rubric that they created together together to self-assess their rubric. Take a look at what they created. - Miss Michael 💓 Reminders There is NO SCHOOL on Monday October 21st Home reading is due on Tuesday Fun Lunch is on October 24th  Have a good weekend!!!!!!

Travel Posters

Today we started planning our travel posters for Alberta. We looked at a different video and we also looked at "vintage" posters online. The criteria for our posters was that we needed to include the Alberta flower and the flag. The grade ones and twos had to do research to discover what these things looked like. They then had to include a fun activity to do in Alberta. I wonder if the kiddos can remember what Alberta's flower is called? Here is what they had to say about what they found. "I found out that Alberta is known for its mountains." - SD "Alberta's flower is called Prickly Wild Rose" - SS "I found out what the flag looks like. It has mountains." - KC - Miss Michael 💘 Reminders Homework is due tomorrow! There is NO SCHOOL on Monday October 21 Home reading is due on Tuesday  October 24th is fun lunch! 


Today we talked a little bit about Alberta. We learned that Alberta is a province that recurrently live in. We watched the travel Alberta video that showed all the amazing things that Alberta has to offer. The Kiddos wrote a mind map in the shape of Alberta where they drew or wrote all of the things that they liked about Alberta. I wonder if you could talk about some of the cool things that you have experienced in Alberta with your kiddo? - Miss Michael 💜 Reminders Tomorrow is picture day! - Please remember to comb your teeth and brush your hair! Homework is due on Friday There is NO SCHOOL on Monday October 21st  Home reading is due on Tuesday Fun Lunch is on October 24th 

Math Outside

Today the grade ones and twos explored math in the great outdoors. The Kiddos were asked to search for math outside and on the playground. They discovered that there are so many things to count on the playground and so many patterns. I wonder if you and your kiddo can spend some time outside to discover math! I wonder what you will find? -        Miss Michael 💘 Reminders ·       Homework went home today. It is due on Friday ·       Home reading went home today. It is due on Tuesday ·       Library is tomorrow – Please return your books! ·       There is NO SCHOOL on October 21 st ·       Picture Day is on October 17 th – Don’t forget to comb your teeth and brush your hair.  ·       Fun Lunch is on October 24th


Today we learned that a synonym is a word that means the same thing as another word. We learned that the word thankful has some synonyms. They are grateful and appreciative. Here how the grade ones and twos used these synonyms in a sentence. "I am appreciative for Miss. Michael" KC "I'm grateful for my family." LC "I'm grateful for my home." YE "I am grateful for my friends." SD "I'm thankful for having a roof over my head." LC I bet there is a lot more things that the kiddos could share with you at home! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders There is NO SCHOOL on Friday or Monday  Home reading is due on Tuesday Picture day is on October 17th  Fun lunch is on October 24th  Spirit day is Halloween

If I had a magic pencil . . .

We read the story "Malala's Magic Pencil" and were inspired to do our own writing. In the story, Malala talks about using a magic pencil to change the world. We decided to imagine that we had a magic pencil and could draw anything. Here is what some of the grade ones and twos said. "If I had a magic pencil I would draw a better world" SD "If I had a magic pencil I would draw a leaf that is beautiful" ZC "If I had a magic pencil I would draw a lock on my door so my sister doesn't come in." IC "If I had a magic pencil I would draw a home." LA - Miss Michael 💕 Reminders Homework is due tomorrow! Library books went home today There is NO SCHOOL on Friday or Monday Home reading is due on Tuesday Picture day is on the 17th  Fun Lunch is on October 24th  You can wear your halloween costumes on the 31st but you cannot wear masks or bring weapons. Costumes must not stop learning. 

Rocks and Rings

Today was so much fun because the grade 1's and 2's got to learn all about curling. I was so impressed to see them working so hard at learning a new skill. They were able to take home certificates to show that they have learned something brand new. Curling! Here is what the Kiddos had to say about their new experience! "It's a fun game!" SD "Curling was so fun to all of us." SS "In the real version they sweep in front of the rocks but we pushed them." IC "When we were doing the sweeping it was fun." ZC "We learned how to sweep by doing a race." SS - Miss Michael 💚 Reminders Tomorrow is Library - Please return your books Homework is due on THURSDAY!  There is NO SCHOOL on Friday October 11th - PD day There is NO SHOOL on Monday October 14th - Thanksgiving Home reading is due on TUESDAY Picture Day is on October 17th Fun Lunch is on October 24th - orders are due on the 19th Halloween is this months Sp

What we have learned so far!

Below are comments from the grade ones and twos about their favorite things that they have learned so far! Take a look! "My favorite thing that I have learned so far is writing and reading." HB "My favorite thing is math and monkey bars." AA "My favorite thing I learned is math rules" GH "My favorite thing is to have fun in math by doing doubles." IC "My favorite thing was the leaf and was the writing and even the math." LA "I learned about math patterns" CR - Miss Michael 💚 Reminders Homework was due today Home reading is due on Monday Library is Wednesday Rocks and Rings starts on Tuesday - Return your forms! Fun Lunch is on October 24th  Picture Day is on October 17th Halloween is spirit day - You may dress up in a costume if you want. Please remember, there are no masks and no weapons. Costumes must not distract from learning

Acrostic Poems

In the Grade 1 and 2 classroom we have been working on acrostic poems about Fall. We drew some falling leaves on our poems and painted them with natural materials like cinnamon, turmeric, pomegranate juice, and paprika. The leaves turned out so beautiful! Take a look! - Miss Michael 😻 Reminders Homework is due tomorrow! Home reading is due on Monday Library is on Wednesday There is NO SCHOOL on October 11th and 14th Halloween is on October 31st - Students may wear their costume to school however, they may not wear masks or bring weapons. Their costumes also must not interrupt on their learning. Rocks and Rings is on October 8th, 9th, and 15th - If students do not return their forms that will not be able to participate in this awesome learning experience!  

The Rights of a Child

Today we read the book "I Have the Right to Be a Child" In this book, we learned about all the different rights that children have. "I have the right to go to school." GH "I have the right to have a safe family." CB "I have the right to be different." KL - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Please return signed literacy and math tasks. Please return yellow computer form Please return Rocks and Rings form Tomorrow is the Lockdown practice Picture Day is on October 17th Fun Lunch is on October 24h Library was today - books are due on Wednesday Homework is due on Friday  Home reading is due on Monday

What Makes 10?

In math the Gr. 1/2s have been reviewing what numbers go together to make ten! We found a really fun video that the Kiddos absolutely love! Take a listen and maybe you can review with your Kiddo the numbers that go together to make ten! - Miss Michael 🖤 Reminders Tomorrow is Library - Please return your books Homework is due Friday Home reading is due on Monday Picture day is on October 17th Please return rocks and rings forms Please return computer use form Please return SIGNED math assessment  Please return SIGNED Literacy assessment Fun Lunch is on October 24th