
Showing posts from February, 2020

Mi'kmaq Wigwams

Today we read a short paragraph about the Mi'kmaq canoes and wigwams. The Mi'kmaq people lived in the area that we call Nova Scotia. The Mi'kmaq people used wigwams as their shelters because they are able to move them. They also build their canoes so that they are able to easily cary them. We learned that this is called "portage". Their wigwams and canoes are made out of materials that are all found in the woods. They used caribou skin, birchbark, rush mats, and every wigwam had a heath to cook and warm up their home. It was important to have a hole at the top of the wigwam so that the smoke can come out. Here is an example of what we sketched to show our understanding. - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Please return math problem signed Please return trickster ticket form before Monday If you are not coming to the Thursday performance, you need to email me ASAP Home work is due tomorrow!

Lacrosse Skills

On Monday we had a lacrosse coach come and teach us some basic lacrosse skills. He came back today and we worked on our skills some more! Some cool tricks that we learned were flip the pancake, draw a circle, throw and catch, throw and catch on the reverse side, and scoop up the ball. We had so much fun playing the different games and learning different skills. We even got free tickets  to a lacrosse game! I was very impressed with how the grade ones and twos played and how much they improved in two days! Ask your kiddo about their favorite part of lacrosse. - Miss Michael  ðŸ’™ Reminders Please return math that went home on Monday Trickster forms went home today. Please specify how many tickets you will need for the show. If your child is unable to attend the show in the evening, please email me and let me know. These forms need to be returned ASAP! The show is on Thursday March 5th. We are show B - 7:15 - 8:00

High Tide and Low Tide

Today we did a close reading about boat manufacturing in Nova Scotia. One thing that caught our attention was how they repaired the boats! We learned that the boats are repaired during low tide. But, what is low tide? The Grade ones and twos were wondering this, so we looked at a time lapse video of water going from high tide to low tide and back again. The next question that the grade ones and twos asked was where does the water go? Some of their ideas were really great! Like there's a giant hole that the water falls in or that someone has a bucket and takes the water. What we discovered was that it has everything to do with the moon! THE MOON?!? Ask your grade one or two what the changing tides have to do with the moon! - Miss Michael Reminders Tomorrow is Library! Please return your books Pink shirt day is tomorrow! - Wear a pink shirt or a shirt that makes you feel great! Tomorrow is fun lunch!

Story Planning

The grade ones and twos recently just finished planning, writing, and illustrating a class story. We are now taking what we have learned from this experience and applying our knowledge to write our own stories. We are currently in the planning stage of our stories. I read a few of the plans and I can't wait to see these plans written down in a story! Ask your Gr. 1 or 2 about their setting, protagonists, and antagonists and their big problem! We will continue to work hard on our stories so that when we publish them we can share them with confidence! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Homework was due today Fun Lunch is on the 26th  Spirit Day is on the 26th - It is pink shirt day. If you do not have a pink shirt, don't worry! Just wear your favorite shirt that makes you feel really good and special! 


Today the grade ones and two tried their hand at snowshoeing. I think that they realized that snowshoeing is way harder than it looks. I was so proud of the kiddos because they were such good sports! I heard tons of laughter even when some students got frustrated. I think that the hardest part for me was putting these shoes on! I think our grade ones and twos have gone through a growth spurt because these shoes barely fit! Here is what the kiddos had to say. "It was so fun!" - YE "It was so fun having a race with GH." - LC "I wonder if you can go down mountains with them?" - WCB "It was so hard but we kept trying." AI "I really enjoyed it and I didn't have a chance to go far because the shoes kept falling!" SS "It was so amazing I really had fun!" ZC "I had so much fun trying it!" LA "I didn't really get to go far but it was still kinda fun." HB "My shoe fell off so many times and I o

The Mi'kmaq Star

  Today we started our art that will be displayed in the hallways during the Trickster performance. As you know, we have started to work on Meteghan and their culture. We also learned that the Mi'kmaq were First Nations people that live in the Nova Scotia area. We read about the 8 pointed star and will be creating it by using toothpicks that will imitate the Mi'kmaq's quillwork. Please ask your Grade 1 or 2 student about something that they learned about the 8 point star. - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Fun Lunch is on Feb 26th  Spirit Day is on Feb 26th - It is pink shirt day! 

Lighthouses part two

Today we did a close reading about lighthouses. We learned that . .. "If there is a storm you can't see the light and you can't see the land where you need to go. So instead they use a foghorn so they can't crash into something." - SS "In the past people lived in lighthouses. They were called lighthouse keepers." - RW & SS "Lighthouses stop boats from crashing." - CR "Lighthouses help boats by being a navigational aid." - SD "The main feature of a lighthouse is a light." - VH Here is a video of a foghorn that is part of a lighthouse. Take a listen. What do you think people used during bad weather in the past? - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is home reading! Library is on Wednesday If you choose to hand out Valentines day cards, we will be doing this on Wednesday! There is NO SCHOOL on Thursday, Friday or Monday! February 18th is 100 days of school! The grades ones and twos are going t

Planning A Farm

For the past two days the grade ones and twos have been working on designing and creating a farm. They had to understand what perimeter is so that they could create different pens for their farm animals. For example, if they wanted to have chickens on their farm, they had to know that for every chicken there needed to be two pieces of fence. So if they wanted 3 chickens, than the perimeter of their fence needed to be six popsicle sticks around. Take a look at their farms to get an idea of just how hard they have been working! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Homework is due tomorrow!  Home reading is due on Tuesday There will be NO HOMEWORK sent home next week because the week is so short! There is NO SCHOOL on February 13th, 14th, and 17th If you are choosing to make valentines for the class, those will be handed out on February 12th 


Today the grade ones and twos did a visualization of a lighthouse. It was very interesting to see their take on the description because a lot of students weren't really sure what a lighthouse was! After looking at a bunch of lighthouses in Nova Scotia/Meteghan, we learned what they looked like and what their purpose it. "In the past they used fires as a lighthouse. They used light so boats can see." - ZC "If there's a red light that could mean that theirs rocks around." - VH "When they're lost the lighthouse can help them." - SM Ask your Kiddo about what they learned about lighthouses. - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is picture day! Return report card envelops Homework is due on Friday

Liquid Tower

Today the grade ones and twos did an experiment on different types of liquids. We created a liquid tower using honey, dish soap, water, and olive oil. When we finished pouring the different liquids into a cup, this is what it looked like . . . . Here is what the kiddos discovered! "The dice and paperclip went all the way to the bottom and the liquids didn't mix together" - SS "The Honey stayed at the bottom because it was the heaviest." - LC "The olive oil went to the top because it was the lightest." - IC "The bottle cap floated on the water." - SD "All of the liquids are a different weight." - VH "The honey holding the dice and the paperclip." SM There was so much that the kiddos learned! Please make sure to ask them about it at home! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders The 12th is the last day of school before Valentines Day. Please read the notice regarding this! The 100th day of scho