
Showing posts from December, 2019

Inuit Throat Singing

Today we read about Toonik Tyme. We learned that Toonik Tyme is a festival that consists of throat singing, Inuit games, a feast, and dancing. The grade 1s and 2s had not heard throat singing before! We watched a video where we could hear some Inuit throat singing and learn about it. We learned . . . "Its a game between two girls" - LA & SS "It sounds kind of funny." - RW "It sounds like singing" - ZC "They wear Inuit clothes and they had drums" - SS "They use their throat for throat singing. They don't sing normal." - RW Take a listen for yourself! - Miss Michael ♡🎄 Reminders Tomorrow is Pizza Lunch!  Please book your conference with me! They will be held on December 19th and 20th  Tomorrow is the last day before winter break! - Classes resume on January 6th 

Marcel The Shell

We watched a short video about a shell named Marcel. He is a very small shell with only one eye! He also has really small shoes. In his video, he talks about his daily life and what he uses as regular objects. For example, his bean bag chair is a raisin and his bed is a piece of bread. He made the grade 1/2s laugh when he told us that he ties his skis on his car with a hair and that his skis were made out of toenails! We used our imagination to think of what Marcel does during the morning and used procedural writing to explain our thoughts. Here is an example that we created as a class. First, Marcel wakes up on his bed that's made out of a muffin. Then, he eats a little leaf for breakfast. Next, he uses a piece of paper to brush his teeth. Finally, he goes to school on a bug. - Miss Michael ♡


It is that time of year again! Please book a conference with me on either Thursday or Friday next week. Looking forward to seeing you! Book Now! - Miss Michael ♡

Can you catch the gingerbread man?

Today the students listened to the story "The Gingerbread Man" and were given a challenge. They had to create a trap that would catch the gingerbread man. They only had 42 minutes to design and build their trap! Their trap had to have something on it that moved, it had to catch a gingerbread man, and it had to be portable. They did a great job referring back to the criteria to make sure their traps were on track. Take a look at their traps half way through the building process! They should all be finished up by tomorrow! - Miss Michael  ♡ Reminders Tonight is the Family Dance! - See you at 6:00pm! Homework is due tomorrow! Parent Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - You should be able to book for the 19th today and the 20th tomorrow. There will be no book exchange on Wednesday but you can still return your library books.  The las day of classes is on December 19th  Pizza lunch is on December 19th  The Grade 1/2 assembly is on Decemb

Balanced Equations

Today the grade ones and two practiced balancing equations. They learned that the equal sign means that an equation is balanced or the same on each side. For example, they know that 5+5 is the same as 10 so 5+5=10. Here are some examples of the equations that they balanced. Maybe they can show you their understanding of balancing an equation. 3+4 = 14 - ___ 6 + 6 = 5 + ___ 19 - 8 = 6 + ___ Have fun doing math! - Miss Michael 🎄 Reminders Today was the last day for Library exchange until the new year! Tomorrow is the Family Dance/bake sale - 6:00 - 7:00  Homework is due on Friday - They will not be receiving homework next week.  Home reading is due on Monday The Grade 1 /2 assembly is on Tuesday December 17th at 10:15  Parent Teacher conferences are on December 19th and 20th - you can book these on Thursday and Friday The last day of classes is on December 19th - Students will return on January 6th  Pizza Lunch is on December 19th  Please return your alien

The Price of food in Iqaluit

This afternoon we looked at a video that showed us how much food costs in Iqaluit. We made a chart comparing food prices in Iqaluit and food prices in Calgary. Take a look and see what you notice? We noticed . . . "That dog food is $125! I wouldn't own a dog if I lived in Iqaluit." - SD "Yogurt is more expensive in Iqaluit."  LA "The frozen pizza is really expensive." GH We discovered that the food is so expensive because they have to fly the food or ship the food to Iqaluit. This costs lots of money! We read an article that said for a family of 4, one meal would cost $100.  This is not good because people in Iqaluit don't make that much money.  The kiddos realized how much money it would cost for them to live in Iqaluit! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders The family dance is on Thursday December 12th at 6:00 - there will also be a bake sale.  Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - you will be able to book a con

Book Fair

Dear Parents and Families, Another Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school from December 16-20, 2019. We invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest in children’s books. Your support helps us obtain new books and resources for our library and classrooms. You will find hundreds of quality books at our Book Fair with a wide assortment for all reading levels. Visit the Scholastic Book Fairs website at to read reviews of the Featured Books. You can also watch book trailers and author videos with your child on the BookTube page. A Book Fair flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of the many books available to purchase at our Fair will be going home. The flyer also contains a special Family Draw ballot that students can deposit during their classroom preview visit. You could win $50.00 in books - $25.00 for your family PLUS $25.00 for your child’s classroom! The draw will be made Thursday afternoon, December 19, 2

The Grinch

Our "big question" this year is How Can Kindness Change the World? So far, we have done lots of work talking about what kindness means, how we can spread joy, and how we can show compassion towards other. Soon, we will be looking at the story of the Grinch and where kindness is in this story. To introduce the Grinch character, we did a guided drawing of him. Tonight, take a look at the video below and ask your grade one or two student if the Grinch looks happy or upset and how they know this. Ask them what they think might have made him look this way? Have a great weekend! Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Home reading is due on Monday Pizza order forms are due on December 10th  Spirit Day (twin day) will be on December 10th  The Family Dance and Bake Sale are on December 12th from 6:00 - 7:00 The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th from 10:15 - 10:45  Parent - Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th - You will be able to book a time with me on

Dance Dance Dance

Today was the end of our first week with Amy, our dance instructor! She has already taught us some incredible dance moves and dances that we will be able to share at the Family Dance! Here is what the Kiddos have to say about dance so far! "We did the 'chicken noodle soup' dance" - YE "We learned the snake dance." - ZC "I learned the party/chicken dance." - SS "We did the basketball move and the criss cross" - LA "We did the cabbage patch." - GH I hope that the grade ones and twos can share their moves with you! - Miss Michael 💟 Reminders Homework is due tomorrow Home reading is due on Monday Pizza forms are due on December 10th December 10th is spirit day. It is twin/triplet/quadruplet day. You can dress us as someone else in the class or even a family member. Please don't buy anything new and use things from home! December 12th is the family dance / bake sale. Your child's ticket in i

Inuit Culture

We have been working hard on learning about the Inuit Culture both modern and traditional. We have talked about their homes, the way that they travel and today we looked closely at their clothes. We noticed that there were some similarities and differences between what they wore in the past and what we wear to keep us warm during the Winter. Here is what some students noticed! "Their clothes were made out of fur." LC "I noticed that some parkas were decorated and some were not." SS "In the past their clothes looked like they were made out of fur but now their clothes aren't." SD "The women would wear coats that would let them carry their babies in their hoods." LA Here are some of their sketches. - Miss Michael 💚 Reminders Homework is due on Friday Home reading is due on Monday Pizza forms are due on the 10th Please return signed green giant forms Spirit Day is on the 10th Family dance is on the12th at

Dog Sleds

We learned that one of the ways that the Inuit people would travel is by dog sled. I shared with the students my experience of going dog sledding and taught them the commands that I used to tell the dogs what do to! I wonder if the Kiddos can remember what we say to make the dogs stop? We also watched a few videos of people dog sledding and that inspired us to create out own dog sleds out of popsicle sticks. The students worked really hard on trying to add as much detail as possible. Here is what they have so far! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is Library Pizza forms are due on December 10th  Spirit Day is December 10th it is Twin, Triplet, Quadruplet …. Day - find one or more people who can wear one or two items the same as you. Please do not go shopping, find items in your home The Family Dance is December 13th from 6:00 - 7:00 There will also be a bake sale Parent Teacher Conferences are on December 19th and 20th. You will be able to book one week befo