
Showing posts from November, 2019

Modern homes in Iqaluit

Today the Grade ones and twos looked at modern homes in Iqaluit. They noticed a few things about the houses. That they were colorful, that they had flat roofs, an lastly that they were built on "sticks" when we did some research, we found out that the "sticks" are actually called stilts and they are very important. Because Iqaluit is built on permafrost, it is important that there is no heat between the house and the ground. After we gathered our information, we decided that it was time to build our own Iqaluit houses out of lego. Take a look at the criteria as well as them in the process of building their Iqaluit homes. - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Homework is due tomorrow! home reading is due on Monday  Dance residency starts on the 4th so the permission forms need to be handed in! Pizza order forms are due on December 10th  The Family Dance is on December 12th  The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th  The Pizza lunch is on

One inch tall!

Could you imagine only being one inch tall? That's what the grade ones and twos did today! We read the poem "One Inch Tall" by Shel Silverstein and practiced visualizing to help us understand the text. Then we took apart the poem line by line and drew what we visualized. The results were fantastic! Here is one of the visualizations that made Miss Michael laugh! I hope that you enjoy it as well! - Miss Michael 💜 Reminders Tomorrow is the grade 3/4 assembly at 10:15  Home work is due on Friday Home reading is due on Monday Pizza forms are due on December 10th Please return dance forms The pizza lunch is on December 19th  The Grade 1/2 assembly is on December 17th The Family dance is on December 12th at 6:00pm 

Traditional Inuit Culture

Today the grade ones and twos read a short paragraph about the Traditional Inuit Culture. We learned some new information about how the Inuit people lived in the past. "Whale blubber was used to keep warm" - IC "I learned that they built igloos to live in, in the Winter" - RW "They used sod for making houses in the Winter" - SS "Whale blubber is actually fat." - KC We also watched a video that explained how igloos are actually very warm to live in! Take a look at the video to see for yourself! Ask your child if they can remember why the Inuit people always had to build their houses instead of living in the same place all year round?   - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Tomorrow is fun lunch! Library is tomorrow! - Please return your books! Thursday is the Grade 3s and 4s assembly at 10:15 Home work is due on Friday Home reading is due on Monday The pizza forms are due on December 10th  Please return the dance form. If the fo

Math Strategies

In Math, we have been learning about strategies that we can use to solve math tasks. We know four strategies that we have gotten really good at! They are, number line, ten frame, tens and ones, and pictures. We also talked about using the math problems efficiently. That means that if the math problem was 56+12 we wouldn't use pictures because it would take a really long time! instead, we might use the tens and ones or number line strategy. I am going to challenge the grade ones and twos to show and explain to you at least two of these strategies. They are smart cookies so I know that this will be easy for them! - Miss Michael 💖 Reminders There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow - have a great weekend! Spirit Day is on November 26th - This month's spirit day is pajama day! You can wear pajamas to school if you want to BUT they must be clean and appropriate! You can also bring a stuffed animal however, the animal must fit in your students' backpack.  Fun Lunch is on Nove

Using Our Senses to Visualize

Today we chose an object to practice visualization. We thought or visualized our object and used our senses to describe them. For example, if our object was Chocolate Cake then we would say . . . See: Melting brown, soft, cake strawberries and chocolate Smell: Chocolate chips Chocolate frosting Hear: The cake cooking Hear it getting sliced A kid blowing out candles Taste: Good Chocolate icing fresh chocolate baked inside Touch: Chocolate soft icing Maybe you can describe other objects at home by using your senses! - Miss Michael 💟 Reminders Homework is due tomorrow!  NO SCHOOL on Friday

Scientist in the Classroom!

Yesterday Scientist Jill came to our classroom to teach us all about liquids. We learned that we would be doing a type a science called chemistry and that we would be called chemists. We participated in lots of experiments where we got to work with different liquids. I think the class' favorite experient was the one were we got to create a solution to make bubbles. Take a look at some of these amazing bubbles! - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders There is NO SCHOOL on Friday November 22nd Library is tomorrow!!!

Metis Week

This week was Metis week! We learned about their culture and some of the things that are important to them. We watched their style of dance and listened to fiddle music. Today we used pointillism to try to create art that resembled their beautiful beadwork. The grade ones and twos used bright colors and practiced persistence when working on their art. Here is a video that we watched to learn about the history of Metis dance. - Miss Michael  💟 Reminders Homework was due today Home reading is due on Monday There is NO SCHOOL on November 22nd Spirit Day is on November 26th - Pajama Day Fun Lunch is on November 27th  The grade 3/4 Assembly is on November 28th  Scientist in the school is on November 18th 

Water Water Water

In science we have been learning about liquids! We learned that a liquid is anything that flows.Yesterday, we learned that there are three different states of water. Gas, solid, and liquid. Today, we talked about water. We had a group discussion about everything we know about water. Here are some of the things that we shared! "Some water you can NOT drink." - KC "It takes the shape of anything that it goes into." - SD "When snow melts it turns into water." YE "There's objects [molecules] in water." KL "Water falls from the sky [rain[" - KA - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Homework is due tomorrow! Home reading is due on Monday! Library is on Wednesday There is NO SCHOOL on Friday November 22nd Spirit day is on November 26th - It is pajama day Fun Lunch is on November 27th  The Grade 3/4 assembly is on November 28th

One Plastic Bag

Today for our STEAM challenge we read the story "One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay" It was about a woman who lived in Gambia and how she recycled plastic bags by turning them into purses. The class was very interested in how she was able to make such beautiful purses out of plastic bags. This inspired us to make our own things out of plastic bags. Take a look below and see how we made some of our creations. I wonder if you can make other things out of recycled plastic bags? - Miss Michael ♡ Reminders Scientist in School is on November 18th - We have four amazing volunteers. Thank you so much! PJ Day is on November 26th - You can bring a stuffed animal but it MUST fit in your backpack Fun Lunch is on November 27h The Grade 3/4 assembly is on November 28th  Library books are due TOMORROW! Homework is due on Friday! Home reading is due on Monday!

Remembrance Day Assembly

Today the school held their Remembrance Day Assembly. It was a very good assembly and the grade ones and twos were so respectful and showed their understanding of the word somber. They also had their poppy art on display in the hallway. I got a lot of compliments on how beautiful they were! - Miss Michael 💖 Reminders There is NO SCHOOL on Monday November 11th  Home reading is due on Tuesday  Spirit Day is on November 26th  November 27th is Fun Lunch November 28th is the Grade 3/4 Assembly


As you know, we have been practicing the reading strategy, visualization. The grade ones and twos are learning to visualize when they are listening to a story or text. Today, they listened to a poem that describes Sam, the green giant. It was very descriptive so their image that they drew was very detailed. I can't wait for you to see them! I wonder if there are different ways that you can practice visualization at home? Maybe, you could share some visualization strategies with your grade one or two! - Miss Michael 🖤 Reminders Tomorrow is class picture day and retake day. If you want retakes, you MUST return the form or give me a hand written a note requesting retakes. This will be the last time that photographers are at our school.  If you have Thorncliffe School clothing forms, they are due tomorrow.  Our Remembrance Day Assembly is on Friday November 8th at 10:45 There is NO SCHOOL on Monday November 11th Scientists in the Classroom is on November 18th. We now

Pumpkin Seed Estimation

Today the grade ones and twos practiced their estimation skills by estimating how many seeds were in Ms. Michael's pumpkin and Mrs. Lisk's pumpkin. When the kiddos were challenged to actually count how many seeds there were, I saw so much incredible math! We used estimation, grouping, tens and ones, addition, and so much more! Take a look at some of the great math that the grade ones and twos are doing! - Ms. Michael 😍 Reminders Tomorrow is Library  Picture retakes and class pictures are on Nov 7th - you MUST return your form or give me a hand written letter if you would like retakes.  The Remembrance Day Assembly is on November 8th - If you would like to bring a donation for the veteran's fund, we will be collecting them all week.  There is NO SCHOOL on Monday November 11th On November 18th we will be participating in Scientists in the Classroom. We will need 3 parent volunteers. If you have police clearance and are available please email m


There are just a few reminders for today . . . Picture forms are due on November 7th,  If you do not have the proof sheet on Nov 7, please send a handwritten note allowing your child to have retakes.  Retakes and Class pictures are on November 7th - This will be the last time the photographer will be at the school The Remembrance Day Assembly is on November 8th at 10:45 Spirit Day is PJ Day on November 26th Library is on Wednesday  Homework is due on Friday There is NO SCHOOL on Monday November 11th  - Miss Michael 🖤